I also cannot help it but to build a great rapport with my customers. Having a big heart and being a business women, comes with great discipline. I have learned that social networking has become a big piece of the business world. There are so many ways to gain followers, but is it a popularity contest or do you keep your integrity? I have chosen to stick with integrity and when it comes to gaining followers you want to gain respect through your products and services rather than giving away something for nothing.
Lil' Miss Couture will participate in give aways and some donations, but there must be a limited budget for it. Also, when participating there must be a good return of investment. It does take time and you must be wise when building your business in a huge social network. There are many temptations, but you must not loose sight of the fact that you are trying to make a living. Take pride in your work and value your customers. Do not get caught up in a popularity contest where you are overwhelming yourself with consumers who are not following you because they love your products or because they will be making a purchase, but rather because they are waiting for the next freebie from you, and your competitors.
I say all of this because I value my customers and there are many that keep returning. We love what we do and we want our customers to love it too. There is much time and passion that goes into crafting. Value what you do and your customers will too. Reward the customers you have already and focus on them and the rest will fall into place. Quality work + Quality service = Returning Customers. This has proven the right path for us thus far and we hope this path continues to keep us successful.
Do not fall into the trap of a popularity contest-- Choose quality of followers over quantity on any given day.